Author: Ian Carroll

Ian Carroll is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

5 Healthy trail snacks to keep you going

Wilderness adventure can be hard, hungry work. Days spent hiking in the mountains, ripping down trails, and pulling on rocks will really wear you out.…

Start a fire anywhere

Start a fire anywhere: 6 ways around wet wood

You may know how to start a fire in your wood stove at home. It’s pretty easy to get one going in the dry desert…

fire cooked food is the best

5 Great foods to cook over the fire

There’s nothing quite as comforting as a good meal after a long day’s hike. It’s easy to just eat GORP for breakfast lunch and dinner.…

Wilder and Sons rucksack gear review

Gear Review: Wilder and Sons Rucksack

I purchased my rucksack from Wilder and Sons just over two years ago and I’ve put it to the test more times than I can…

Hiking is cathartic

3 Ways that multi day hiking will change how you see the world …

There are things you cannot learn in an hour, thoughts you cannot think in a day and meaning you cannot find at the first fork…

Free camping is everywhere

Free camping will change the way you travel

We travel to feel free Free camping is hard to come by. The grim reality of the modern world is that someone usually owns the…

What to do if you get lost in the backcountry

As the snow begins to melt and summer draws closer every day, alpine hikes become more and more accessible. We all are feeling a little…