Author: Ian Carroll

Ian Carroll is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Best travel apps for wandering across the world 2018

Ian Carroll

Back in the day, travel essentials used to be things like a map, guidebook, extra rolls of film and a sense of adventure. These days,…

Travel Tuesdays: Is your relationship travel compatible?

Ian Carroll

Traveling with a sibling or friend can be pretty hard. You’re likely to have to compromise more than a few times. Where to go, what…

Spring time tips for rock climbers

Ian Carroll

It’s here! Spring has sprung. For rock climbers all over the US, that means we’re crawling out of our caves, dusting off our cams and…

How to sun salute: basic yoga poses part 2

Ian Carroll

When most people think of the first yoga pose that comes to mind, they think of one of the poses in a sun salutation. If…

Basic yoga poses for full body flexibility: part 1

Ian Carroll

Yoga has been a pretty hot topic for the last ten years or so. But yoga isn’t just a fad, and it’s not going out…

Three best ways to brew coffee camping

If you’re like me, it doesn’t matter where you’re starting your morning, it doesn’t start until your first cup of coffee. When you’re at home…

Camp cooking: how to make flavor on the fly

So, we all spend a lot of time outdoors. Most of us here at Outdoor Revival are at least what you could consider casual campers.…

Best adventurous summer vacation ideas for the family

Ian Carroll

It’s almost that time of year again. Kids are finishing school in no time and summer is just around the corner. It’s time to plan…

Best vehicles for adventure travel

Vanlife is one of the biggest trends among young people today. It’s the new American dream, it would seem, to sell all your belongings and…

Travel Tuesdays: Why do you travel?

Ian Carroll

We were strolling through the ruins of Palenque, an ancient Mayan site in southern Mexico. All around us, tourists snapped photos, bought trinkets, and marveled…