
Protect Yourself Against Bugs in the Wild with These Simple Tricks

Peaceful and calm it may be, but the wilderness is not always friendly place for us humans, when it comes…

8 years ago

Some Emergency Uses for Plastic Bags in the Wilderness

The first line in the bible of wilderness survival should read ‘learn as many skills as possible; when it comes…

8 years ago

10 creepy incidences that happened on famous mountains

The world’s supreme well-known mountains have been presented on TV, in songs, and  even in movies. They motivate people to…

8 years ago

Some real life Robinson Crusoes – Ada Blackjack survived 2 years on Wrangle Island

There is no shortage of some amazing fictional accounts of daring castaways and deserted island survivals, however in real life…

8 years ago

Food items Every Prepper Must Include in their Survival Kit

Whether you are heading for a peaceful hike in the wilderness, or you are a secret prepper, one thing you…

8 years ago

Stop life-threatening bleeding in less than 10 seconds – Cayenne pepper

Whenever an emergency occurs our first instinct is to get help; our first response towards a life-threatening situation must always…

8 years ago

Learn about wild trees and flowers identification using these innovative Apps

There are certainly more species of plants on earth than one can remember in one sitting; a total of 400,000…

8 years ago

Ditch the four walls – set up your own ‘outdoor office’

There is this myth at the back of our minds that a good start up requires some sort of base…

8 years ago

The inventive ways people made food during extreme famines – Bark Bread

We may be living a lifestyle where we hardly miss a meal and even if we sometime do we instantly…

8 years ago

Why anglers should wear polarized glasses – helps to see through the water

Polarized lenses are now widely in use especially in the regions with ample sunlight in the summer, but very few…

8 years ago