Old Ways

Water Filter : Tuna Can Cartridge System

We have seen home made water filters made from recycled water and pop bottles and I have made my share…

8 years ago

How to build a simple survival signal fire

If you are ever lost, one of the best ways to get the attention of people for help is to…

8 years ago

Boy of 10 Survives 29 hours Alone in the Woods

As it is rightly said that a little bit of knowledge goes a long way, and when it comes to…

8 years ago

FAIL: Making a dugout canoe with fire – it didn’t work

I tried to make a native american dugout canoe...... it didn't go so well: I got a second degree burn…

8 years ago

Hiking Issues: Effective home made remedies for foot calluses

The part of our body that perhaps undergoes the most wear and tear has to be our feet; considering the…

8 years ago

Why the harsh landscape of the American West has these enormous concrete arrows across it

A couple has stated they had discovered 102 arrows thus far, and they are peculiar concrete symbols that have been…

8 years ago

Birchbark – Woven Kindling

Here's a great little project to do that will help you out when you want to get a fire going,…

8 years ago

Autumn is here – Happy Equinox

Today is officially the start of autumn and the beginning of longer nights and shorter days that will lead us…

8 years ago

At last, a step by step guide of how to shave with an axe – Mike shows us how to do it

We have all seen the old black and white images of men shaving with axes. We have seen, outdoors-men, lumberjacks…

8 years ago

Bannock bread is something that is easy to make and cook around a campfire

BANNOCK BREAD DRY MIX Bannock bread is something that is easy to make and cook around a campfire and as…

8 years ago