Category: Well Being

Watch out: Identifying common poisonous plants in nature

While most outdoor people know how to avoid the obvious nuisance plants like poison oak, poison ivy, and stinging nettles, there are many commonplace plants…

An unusual bear defence – Shoving an arm down it’s throat

Doug Williams

This is the story of Chase Dellwo, who back in the fall of 2015, at the age of 26 got nailed by a 400lb bear.…

Tips on how to catch a fish in a survival situation

Being trapped in the wilderness with no food doesn’t sound like fun. If you have a little bit of fishing gear in your kit or…

Essential advice for surviving the meltdown of civilization

Imagine that there’s a huge disaster looming over you. You and your family are faced with living in a world where the comforts of modern…

Happier families – The outdoors could be key

We all know that time with the family, particularly outdoors is well spent, that it’s good for us and good for our spouses and kids. Here…

Barefoot shoes may reduce running injuries

Runners who wear shoes with no cushioning and land on the ball of their foot rather than the heel put significantly less demand on their…

Dehydration – It’s serious stuff

In the Outdoor Revival office the other day we were talking about dehydration and how we’ve all felt the effects at some time or another,…

Burdock the super plant: It’s a food and a medicine

While having a peaceful walk through serene woodlands, you may have come across sticky burrs clinging to your trousers after passing through some tall leafy…

Monster Crocodile – Another invasive species

Spotting native alligators and crocodiles in Florida is common, but anyone who sees a large reptile may want to take a second look— man-eaters that…

garden growth

Growth factor: A few good reasons to plant a garden

Gardening is good for the soul, it’s good for your health, and it’s good for your home. It’s not too late to plant a garden…