Surviving A Bear Attack: Speak Gently, Hold Your Arms Above Your Head

Bears can attack people if they feel they are in danger, are surprised, have puppies or are protecting their territory. I will always advise that you stay away from bears. After all, it is best to avoid a bear attack, right?

But if you have put yourself in a situation where you cannot avoid them, make sure they do not surprise you.

Here are some crucial points to keep in mind:

• Never camp or walk alone.

• Do not use kitchen odors and smells on your clothes or tent. It may not look like a delicious pasta dinner, but for a bear, it can feel like it.

• Do not feed bears even from the “safety” of your car. If you have to feed an animal, feed your cat or dog at home. The wild will always remain the wild and wild animals will attack given the right circumstances.

• Do not leave food around the camp. This is the main reason why a bear will enter your camp when they smell the food. Make sure that your tent is always properly locked, even if it’s hot and sticky. Always stay alert. Please clean your campsite and put out any fire before from the campsite. Better that he have that food for dinner than you.

Here is a quick overview of some of the different types of bear:

The black bear is a scavenger and although on the smaller size (at least in contrast to other bears) is still very dangerous. Most commonly seen nearer human settlements, you may not consider yourself an enemy.

While black bears are smaller and less aggressive than their brown bear counterparts, you should still not underestimate them.

Brown bears will attack you at your whim. Although they are not inherently aggressive by nature, they are still very unpredictable. He could flee when he sees you.

He could see you and act as if you were just another animal or he could accost you if he woke up on the wrong side of his bed. However, brown bears with their large size and weight can effortlessly destroy an average-sized man.

Polar bears are a different nightmare. The Indians still live in fear of them, and there is a lot of history to spread the terror of what they can do. These creatures can and do stalk humans. They are highly intelligent and deadly. Staying out of the polar bear area is wise and will keep you alive.

How do you survive an attack?

• Singing, talking or listening to music out loud is an excellent way not to surprise any animal. In any case, most bears will leave that area since they are not really looking for a conflict.

• The rule is that if you are in front of a bear, speak gently while holding your arms above your head and slowly move away. Be aware of your surroundings so as not to trip over something, as this can create a problem. Keeping your arms above your head not only makes you look bigger, but it also keeps their attention on you as you move away.

• Bears can growl, snarl and sometimes bend their heads with their ears back before an attack. If a bear stands on its legs, it is not a sign of aggression; it is just trying to get a glimpse of where it is.

Brown bears, such as those found across the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia, and North America, are larger and more unpredictable than black bears. You will need to be careful around them.

• So, what happens if that does not work and you realize that you’re going to be attacked? Shooting a bear does not usually stop an attack, believe it or not. Sometimes, the most valuable weapon is the bear spray. If you notice that the bear is going to charge you, spray!

Bear sprays are fired at a great distance. In any case, do not try to run. Some bears can run as fast as a horse and definitely run faster than you. Quickly do one of these two things: find a large tree that you can climb rapidly or make a lot of noise and shake your hands, as this could cause the animal to leave. NOTE: if you do opt for a firearm, a larger caliber such as a .44 Magnum and above for handguns or a 12 Gauge slug will be the most effective.

• If you are stuck in the ground, keep your backpack on, this will give you some protection for your back. Cover your head and neck and put yourself in a fetal position. In many cases, the bear will quickly realize that you are not a threat and will leave.

• And if it does not stop? Shout, scream and fight; this includes throwing dirt in their eyes, throwing big rocks at its head, anything to make it realize that you are not going to be an easy meal.

It is always better to avoid a bear attack than to survive an attack. Here are some tips to prevent an altercation:

• Do not attract a bear. Stay alert at all times. This can be difficult to do when it is completely dark at night when they have the advantage, but black and grizzly bears do not usually hunt people, they track the food you carry. Seal all food in airtight bags and containers. When camping, place the food bag away from the campsite.

• Stay away from mothers and puppies. The maternal instinct is strong, and she can protect her family. Do not see yourself as a threat. Stay safe!