Tag: children

Trees Need Planting – Dominion’s Project Plant It!® Now Open

Paul Pinkerton

If there’s something we’re passionate about at Outdoor revival HQ it’s trees, we love them and we recognize that they need to be a protected…

Outdoor Families are Happier

We all know that time with the family, particularly outdoors is well spent, that it’s good for us and good for our spouses and kids. Here…

Motherhood Moments: Do You Wanna Build a Snowman

Paul Pinkerton

Choosing to be an active outdoor parent is tough sometimes. I’m starting my eighth month of pregnancy and every day I feel it more and…

National Race Series for Toddlers – How Cool That

Paul Pinkerton

Here at Outdoor Revival HQ we often talk about how to get kids more involved in outdoor activities so we’re pleased to see that Strider Bikes…

Baby Safety: Hiking and Biking

Paul Pinkerton

Alright. Let’s talk baby safety in the outdoors. Baby L has hiked, biked and swam with us through our entire National Park to Park Highway…

Tips To Get Your Kids Loving The Outdoors

Doug Williams

There are some people who just seem to be born loving the outdoors; they enjoy spending the vast majority of their free time outside with…

Camp, Kayak and Hike in Logan Canyon, Utah

Paul Pinkerton

Here at Outdoor Revival HQ we know that children are really important for the future of our natural worlds and our wilderness areas, after all, we need…

Get Outside No Matter the Weather

Here at Outdoor Revival, we’ve had to finally except that the season has changed and the needle on the temperature gauge is dipping lower and…

Are You a Pusher Parent? Mountain Mom Acknowledges She Is.

Are You a Pusher Parent? Our next article from Susan Strayer who’s an inspiration to many with her Blog – Mountain Mom and Tots. Big…

Scary statistic – Parents Buying Everything on Children’s Present List

Paul Pinkerton

I just saw this press release and it’s scary, especially when getting outdoors is generally free,  and a hugely healthy option compared to what many…