
Climbing gear for beginners part 2

In part two of 'Climbing gear for beginners', we will look at all the less essential gear you will want…

7 years ago

Climbing gear for beginners part 1

Rock climbing can feel a little inaccessible. There is so much that you need to learn and climbing gear that…

7 years ago

Three reasons why a rock climbing helmet is essential

A rock climbing helmet looks just as dorky as any other helmet. They can be just as uncomfortable and just…

7 years ago

Visitors guide to Smith Rock State Park, Oregon

Smith Rock History The creation of Smith Rock State Park was a slow and steady one. Around 30 million years…

7 years ago

Three reasons why a rock climbing helmet is non-negotiable

A rock climbing helmet looks just as dorky as any other helmet. They can be just as uncomfortable and just…

7 years ago

Basic gear for bouldering newbies

One of the great things about bouldering is that it requires minimal gear, because of this it's become a favorite…

7 years ago

The Trango Towers – The hardest alpine rock climbing in the world

Situated in the north of Pakistan, the Trango Towers stand as a challenge to rock climbers from all over the…

7 years ago

Tyrolean traverses and how to use them safely

In areas that need to be crossed over but are ordinarily impassable or exposed to danger, you may find that…

7 years ago

Rock Climbing in Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is the most famous climbing area, not only in the United States but also in the world.…

7 years ago

Mastering the Face: Climbing with effective grips

The secret to becoming a successful climber with a low number of mishaps (we're talking minor mishaps here as major…

7 years ago