Tag: Cold weather

Embracing the Cold: Curing Winter Blues by Enjoying Bluebird Skies

Some people are lucky enough to live in a land blessed with warm weather the entire year, where they remain sun-kissed despite the month. Others,…

Good reasons to keep climbing in the winter

There are rock climbers that surrender easily when the winter rolls around, hang up their climbing shoes in favor of another activity, heading to the gym…

Tips for hiking in cold weather for beginners

Low temperatures, rainstorms, and cold winds are among the most challenging weather conditions that a hiking enthusiast can face. However, bad weather doesn’t mean you…

Winter clothes – layering tips for staying warm

Yesterday I woke up in Mexico, blanketed by three inches of fresh snow. It was cold! Safe to say, that none of us expected this.…

Tips on how to go camping in the cold winter

Winter is coming up very soon, and for many people this can be a scary thought because they don’t want to deal with the winter…

Safe way to do cold water kayaking

Some people just love adventurous outdoor activities, and there are many ways to partake in outdoor sports to get an adrenaline rush. For some people, hiking…

Stay safe driving in the winter

There are quite a lot of issues to bear in mind before you bravely head out on a road trip in a winter wonderland. What…

Camping in the Cold – Here Are Some Tips to Keep in Mind.

Doug Williams

  Nearly everyone loves camping, it is a way to remove ourselves from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It can be a great…

Nine Winter Cooking Tips

Doug Williams

Who doesn’t enjoy a great barbecue or some freshly baked bread in the dutch oven? After all, cooking outdoors is one of the things the…

A Winter Camping Guide

We all love camping, I’m sitting here in the Outdoor Revival office with some of my kit next to me as I’m hoping to get…