Tag: exercise

Ten healthy habits that will change your life

Ian Carroll

We all want to live a healthy life and make the most of our time here. However, the world we live in today makes that…

Bouldering tips for beginners

When you’re just getting started bouldering, there’s a lot to learn. It’s really your own personal golden era of climbing. Everything is new, and even…

Motivation for spring workouts

Ian Carroll

Now that the weather is clearing up, it’s time to look ahead to the coming summer. That means something different to everyone. For some it’s…

10 Good reasons to go running today

Ian Carroll

For most people, running sounds like a lot of hard work. You’re probably no different. Lacing up your shoes right now probably doesn’t sound as…

How to sun salute: basic yoga poses part 2

Ian Carroll

When most people think of the first yoga pose that comes to mind, they think of one of the poses in a sun salutation. If…

Basic yoga poses for full body flexibility: part 1

Ian Carroll

Yoga has been a pretty hot topic for the last ten years or so. But yoga isn’t just a fad, and it’s not going out…

Three tips for morning momentum

Ian Carroll

The start of your day is the most important part of it. It’s when your metabolism starts up and begins producing energy for the day.…

Hiking for women – tips and preparation advice

No matter what part of the country you live, you haven’t seen the best of it unless you’ve been hiking in its great outdoors. As…

Three tips to make you stronger – strength training Part 1

Ian Carroll

As a rock climber, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can get stronger. It’s something we all think about. Just about…

The best diet for building muscle, strength training Part 2

Ian Carroll

Before we get started, we need to address the elephant in the room. Diet is extremely controversial. However, it’s also the most important part of…