
Rainforests at the bottom of the ocean – Corals

We've all seen the movies where the beautiful people are swimming over the tropical coral reef and everything looks amazing,…

7 years ago

Return of the Woolly Mammoth

The wait is almost over for all who have been dreaming to see the concept of de-extinction put to the…

7 years ago

Must see places before they disappear from the face of the Earth

Humankind is well known for its destructive nature and egoistic behavior towards the other species on our planet. Directly, or…

7 years ago

Corals – the rainforests at the bottom of the ocean

We've all seen the movies where the beautiful people are swimming over the tropical coral reef and everything looks amazing,…

7 years ago

Irish Elk lived thousands of Years after previously estimated Extinction

The giant two-meter tall deer was previously assumed to have gone extinct some 10,300 years ago. However, a recent study…

8 years ago

Woolly mammoth rebirth could become a reality in the near future

The wait is almost over for all who have been dreaming to see the concept of de-extinction put to the…

8 years ago