first aid

8 Ways A Knife Will Help You In The Great Outdoors

When you're out and about exploring the wilderness, one of the most important things to bring with you is a…

7 years ago

Using Super Glue to Close Cuts

Super Glue and it's surgical cousin Dermabond are ideal for fixing minor cuts. Dermabond is considerably more expensive than Super…

7 years ago

Carry a Blood Clotting Agent in Case of Serious Injury

Here's one of our regular survival tips from survival expert James Manderville. Emergency blood clotting agents are available as pads, sprays,…

7 years ago

Make Your Own Completely Natural First Aid Kit to Be a Happier and Healthier You

A First Aid Kit is a truly essential component in every home so that any household can be sure that…

8 years ago

Basic First Aid: Something we all really should know

Basic First Aid A great first aid article from the British site Bushcraft UK Bushcraft is generally a low risk…

8 years ago