Tag: how to

sport climbing vs trad climbing

Traditional climbing vs sport climbing, what’s the difference.

Trad climbing and sport climbing are two very different artforms. Trad focuses on slow, careful progression and puts safety first. Sport is all about hard moves, indomitable…

purify water in the woods

Water purification in the wilderness

Water may be the source of all life on Earth, but it can also be the source of considerable illness, pain and even death. Water…

Climbing gear for beginners part 2

In part two of ‘Climbing gear for beginners’, we will look at all the less essential gear you will want to start collecting. If you…

Climbing gear racked up on a harness

Climbing gear for beginners part 1

Rock climbing can feel a little inaccessible. There is so much that you need to learn and climbing gear that you need to buy before…

campfire via tinderbox

Your tinderbox is more important than your Tinder profile

This is number one on every survivalist’s list. If you spend time backpacking in wet environments, you probably already have your own tinderbox. If you don’t, now’s…

How to Carry Your Camera When Hiking

One of the best tips I ever read with regard to outdoor photography was to make sure your camera is always within reach and ready…

Start a fire anywhere

Start a fire anywhere: 6 ways around wet wood

You may know how to start a fire in your wood stove at home. It’s pretty easy to get one going in the dry desert…

How to pick a sleeping bag for the perfect night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep when camping outdoors can be a challenge. If you’ve been hiking all day, you’ll want the best sleeping bag to…

What to do if you get lost in the backcountry

As the snow begins to melt and summer draws closer every day, alpine hikes become more and more accessible. We all are feeling a little…

Top 9 ways to purify water, if you’re stranded and Desperate

One of your top priorities in any survival situation has to be water. Your body can only last for three days without water before dying,…