mosquito bite

Lab-grown genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in 2018

No one likes annoying mosquito bites, the itching, and scratching, and the terrible red skin afterwards. The worst thing that…

6 years ago

Mosquitoes released in Brazil to fight dengue fever

Dengue fever sounds like some rare and exotic disease, but the truth is that it affects about 20,000 Americans a…

7 years ago

Best home remedies for mosquito bites

Mosquitoes are perhaps one of the most irritating insects out there. Small and easy to miss, these bloodsuckers like to…

7 years ago

Top survival uses for hand sanitizer

One of the most overlooked survival items of all time is hand sanitizer. It’s cheap, abundant, and a common staple…

7 years ago

Avoiding the pesky mosquitoes

When the weather begins to warm up, you can expect to find annoying mosquitoes appearing around lots of places. The…

7 years ago