
How much is a National Park worth to you?

Last fall, the National Parks Service proposed a plan to increase entrance fees to 17 of the most popular National…

6 years ago

Conservation in Maine: where progress is happening

When it comes to saving the environment, there has been a lot of governmental push-backs. Through the spread of disinformation,…

6 years ago

Fate of the Walrus: What happens if it isn’t put on the endangered species list

The Endangered Species Act was created in the United States in 1973 as a way of helping in the conservation…

6 years ago

Return of the Wolf: the reappearance of wolves in North America

 In traditional fairy tales, we hear many stories about wolves preying on the innocent, from little girls wandering in the…

6 years ago

Lab-grown genetically modified mosquitoes to be released in 2018

No one likes annoying mosquito bites, the itching, and scratching, and the terrible red skin afterwards. The worst thing that…

6 years ago

Making a comeback: How the population of blue whales is recovering

The blue whale is not only the largest animal known to man, with impressive lengths in excess of 100 feet…

7 years ago

A precipitous decline in the global wildlife population

Recent years have seen a rapid decline in the state of our planet's health due to global warming, a process…

7 years ago

The most devastating diseases in history

Humankind has a bigger threat than famine, terrorism, asteroid impact, or wars. The greatest existential danger it faces is the…

7 years ago

What we need to know about the trillion-ton iceberg

No matter where you stand in the climate change debate, the iceberg that has detached itself from Antarctica is disturbing.…

7 years ago

How the Corpse Flower just made history

With the biggest inflorescence of any unbranched flowering plant in the world, the corpse flower, officially known as Amorphophallus titanium,…

7 years ago