
Deadly Brain-Shrinking Fungus Has Mysteriously Appeared in Australia

All over the world, there are certain species of fungus, plants or animals that are unique to that region. Some…

4 years ago

Pollution in the Pristine Arctic: Appalling Soviet Cold War Legacy

Yakutia, better known as Sakha Republic, is a federal Russian republic and home to 5 million tons of scrap metal…

4 years ago

Fukushima From Radioactive Wasteland To Sustainable Power Source

When the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Fukushima, Japan was hit by a thirty foot high tsunami in…

4 years ago

Mysterious Reservoir of Abiotic Methane Gas Discovered in the Ocean

Gas: A recent scientific discovery has helped to solve an old geological mystery and given new knowledge and insight into…

4 years ago

Cows Swept Out to Sea by Hurricane Found on an Island After Swimming Miles

Most animals and in the case cows, have an inbred aversion to water, and detest getting wet. With the possible…

4 years ago

Migrating Eagles Run up Massive Data Roaming Charges

Scientists run up a lot of expenses when they're on the road tracking wildlife -- everything from hotel rooms to…

4 years ago

Villagers Knit Giant Jumpers to Keep Elephants Warm

Elephants are one of the world's most beloved creatures; they are almost regal in their lumbering massiveness, and because they…

4 years ago

One-Ton Wizard Rock Vanished in Arizona. Just as Mysteriously, It Returned

Prescott National Forest covers about 1.25 million acres of north-central Arizona, in the mountains near Prescott.  It has a number…

4 years ago

Prehistoric Plant Could Grow in The UK First Time in Human History

Cycads are a type of plant that somewhat resemble palm trees or ferns and have been around since prehistoric times. …

4 years ago

If You Have One of These Surnames You Could Inherit One of These Scottish Castles

Shakespeare once asked, "what is in a name?" in his famous tragedy "Romeo And Juliet," and the text went on…

4 years ago