Tag: scientists

Trees Have The Ability To Recognize The Saliva Of Roe Deer

Doug Williams

Trees have the ability to distinguish whether one of their buds or sprouts has been eaten by a Roe deer or has been randomly torn…

Are You Struggling To Sleep – Get Camping Is The Answer

Throughout much of history, humans have gone to bed shortly after sundown and woke up in the morning at sunrise, and it seems that this…

45,000-year-old primitive weapons: Woolly mammoth with alleged spear wounds has been discovered

Doug Williams

We re reading a lot about this in the news lately and the existence of woolly mammoths is something that people all over the world…

Man’s Obsession with Flight and Adventure

One of the very early natural phenomenon that must have intrigued prehistoric man was the swarms of little creatures seemingly small and weak but incredibly…

Irish Elk lived thousands of Years after previously estimated Extinction

Doug Williams

The giant two-meter tall deer was previously assumed to have gone extinct some 10,300 years ago. However, a recent study has revealed that the deer…

Modern-Day Viking in 1940 Proved Many Theories Wrong

When people hear the word “Viking,” they generally think of brave, adventurous warriors who sailed the seas to many new lands. One modern day man…

Russian Scientists besieged by Polar Bears have been Rescued

Doug Williams

After facing a one of a kind siege by a hoard of polar bears that carried on for more than two weeks, Russian scientists have…

Woolly mammoth rebirth could become a reality in the near future

Doug Williams

The wait is almost over for all who have been dreaming to see the concept of de-extinction put to the test, the possibility of bringing…

Could the Genome Sequence of Water Bears could help us Live longer

Doug Williams

If you think we have evolved to be the toughest and most brutal of all creatures, think again and then again. The toughest of all…

Otzi the Iceman: His clothing reveals stylish secrets of the leather-loving ancient man

Doug Williams

Ever since it was first discovered more than twenty-five years ago that Otzi the iceman has gained a status of a celebrity amongst archaeologists and tourists…