Category: Well Being

7 Tips for great outdoor yoga

The time of warm and beautiful weather is finally upon us, and you know what that means. It’s finally time to scout and find the…

Protect yourself – Don’t let a thief spoil your vacation

You have finally gathered enough money to travel, got your brand new backpack and a new passport. Everything is going according to the plan. Getting…

The symptoms of altitude sickness that every mountaineer should know

Feeling as though you have a cold, like you can’t breathe through your nose, a pounding headache, and all smells and food makes your stomach…

Cycling Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Game

  Riding a bicycle is one the best forms of fun, transportation and exercise (in my opinion). Whether you are a professional cyclist, a daily…

How to pick the right location for your cabin

Dreaming of a beautiful and cozy cabin in the woods is something most of us do. Although the idea of having one is fun, deciding…

5 reasons why living near water benefits your health

Who hasn’t dreamed of waking up every morning to the sound of the ocean waves or the splashing of river water? Most of us wish…

FREE run, cycle & tri training plans

We love FREE, especially when it’s stuff that’s going to help use get fitter and enjoy the outdoors more.  So, if you’re into running, cycling…

5 Outdoor Apps To Keep You Safe

Life is dangerous. There’s no denying that. Though the chances of something catastrophic happening to you or a loved one at any given second isn’t…

What to do if you get lost in the backcountry

As the snow begins to melt and summer draws closer every day, alpine hikes become more and more accessible. We all are feeling a little…

Sometimes you need to be your own doctor in the wilderness

There is nothing worse than being lost, sick and desperate when you’re in the great outdoors. Imagine if you have a toothache, a stomach virus…