10 Reasons To Leave The City And Go In The Woods To Build A Cabin

If you are tired of city life, bored of the everyday grind, or you’re planning on going away but want to exchange the experience of an expensive, often distance, vacation with something more useful, cheaper and closer, why don’t you get in the woods and build yourself a cozy cabin with just a help of your friends.

Obviously, you’ll need to do some planning and make sure that your local laws allow it, or request the permits you need to build your little haven. It’s absolutely worth it as it’s a life changing experience that will give you an opportunity to bond with friends, learn new skills, and most important of all you`ll spend ten days in nature, surrounded by fresh air and green trees.

Here are ten reasons why you should leave the city life for ten days, find clear spot in a forest, and build a tiny, cozy, wooden cabin:

Bonding experience

If having close friends means that you have people to hang out with, to party, travel, and exchange experiences with, then having them with you in the woods for ten days, building a cabin from scratch will be a life changing and bonding experience bringing you a lot closer and making your relationship a lot stronger.

New skills

You will learn a lot of new skills that you would not even think of in the city. You will find a hammer is the most useful tool for doing many different things, from driving in and removing nails, knocking things into place, using chisels and wedges and lot of other things.

Folks, this is your chance to buy tools, how cool is that!!

Creativity boost

As well as building your dream backwoods cabin you will have a lot of time to experiment and to try new things, like painting on a piece of wood, build a temporally shed, write a poem, play silly games with your friends, just like you used to play when you were kids. You will have plenty of time to broaden your mind and free your spirit.

Different type of vacation

While it`s great to spend ten days on a beach, drinking cocktails, and relaxing, or going to museums and eating in restaurants, it’s just not the same as going on a trip where you will have a whole different, energizing experience and your perception of “vacation” will completely change.

You will have a great time, learn new skills, refresh, and all of this in a place no travel magazine has ever written about.

Get to know your body

If you spend few days working on a construction site, using a hammer and tools, carrying wood and materials you will get to know what it means to be exhausted. A few days of this and you will feel you have reached the limits of your own body, but you will be surprised what more you can do when you can push yourself. As the days go on you will sleep better and each day get up feeling energized and refreshed, ready to get stuck in again.

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Pack light

When going on a typical holiday we all seem obsessed with what to pack and how many pieces of clothing to take on the trip. But when going in the woods to work all you need to take are 2 pairs of pants, a few pairs of socks, one pair of shoes, a few t-shirts, sweatshirt and a rain jacket.

You just need to pack what you need for working. It is liberating that you don’t have to dress up, In fact, you don’t have to worry about being dressed well or not. It’s worth remembering that you’re working in the woods and so anything you do take to wear is going to get dirty and probably ruined, so don’t wear your favorite clothes.

No technology

In the woods you will find that having the internet cannot compete with the experience of using a hammer, sawing and shaping a piece of wood.

You will see that hammering a nail is a lot better and more useful experience than clicking away on your keyboard. Building the cabin will teach you that connecting with nature is a lot better experience than being connected to the internet.

Health boost

Being in a forest for ten days will have a huge impact on your health. For ten days you will exchange the dirty, polluted air of the city with cleaner and fresher air directly from nature, you will get much better sleep, and you will do a lot of physical work, which is great for your mind and body.

Pretty cheap experience

Building a cabin in the woods can be a very cheap project, but you`ll have to be careful on few things. We mentioned above that you need to check if you are allowed to build on the spot you have chosen, you also need to check if you can use the trees in the area to cut for your cabin.

You might have to borrow tools so that you don’t have to buy new ones (I love an excuse for buying new tools!). The rest of the cost will be on providing shelter, food, and travel to the woods. It might be an idea to divide the cost between you and your friends, especially if you share the cabin or they know they can use it in the future.

Long term investment

While building the cabin will take around ten days of hard work it means that you will have the opportunity to visit it often, spending weekends or longer cozy in your self-built home from home, so it’s well worth the investment in time and energy.

You and your friends will have a cool place for hanging out and spending few days or longer vacations for many years to come. And you can improve the cabin with every visit, with new interior elements, new furniture, building new memories every time you visit.

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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.

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