Get Outside No Matter the Weather

Here at Outdoor Revival, we’ve had to finally except that the season has changed and the needle on the temperature gauge is dipping lower and lower and we’re less inclined to hike about or take a bike ride, so this is a well-timed reminder from Susan Strayer that we can still get on with the things we love, we just need to do it right.

Here we have a new article from Susan who’s an inspiration to many with her Blog – Mountain Mom and Tots.

We’ve entered the shoulder season, the reverse spring when the weather can’t decide if it’ll be warm, windy, rainy or freezing.

I have to be honest. This is not my favorite time of year. The trees by my house have already dropped their leaves so the landscape is grey and dull. There’s no sparkling white snow to snowboard on and not enough warm sun to entice me outside either. My body isn’t used to bracing against the wind, rain or cold so when I open my door, I quickly want to shut it again.

But enough whining. I know I need to be outdoors every day in order to not turn into a mean, nasty troll. My kids need to be outdoors so they can run and climb and make messes I don’t have to clean up.


So how to do it? How do you get out even when the weather isn’t wonderful? A blogger friend of mine at has shared this saying which I believe is totally true.

There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.

When I thought about it, I realized I have the answer. I may not love to get out during the in-between time when summer’s gone and winter hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ve dealt with changing weather before. I just needed to remember what I did on the National Park to Park Highway tour this past summer. During our six week trip we had scorching sun, pounding rain, howling wind and freezing temps and we still spent every single day outdoors.



Having the right clothes for the right weather is essential. On hot sunny days I was grateful for our Outdoor Research Kid’s Rambler Sombreros. They packed easily under the seat. I liked my Women’s Maldives Hat so much I bought an Outdoor Research Men’s Sombrero for Mountain Dad as well.


While hats are a good start, when you’re out in the sun your body craves shade. We used the Lightspeed Tripod Quick Canopy for both a shade and rain shelter during our National Park to Park Highway tour. It sets up in seconds, although it takes some upper body strength to get it locked in place.


Wind and Cold

Jackets are a must and for me the brighter the color the better. Something about wearing hot pink on a cloudy, chilly day lifts my mood. I used the Outdoor Research Women’s Ferrosi Hoody on our National Park to Park Highway tour. It was great for light rain protection and wind, plus it was felt lightweight and breathable made it a great weather jacket.


Shelter is also essential for wind protection and our Lightspeed Tripod Quick Canopy wasn’t great for that. Several times we came back to camp during our National Park to Park Highway journey to find the canopy toppled over. To be honest, we weren’t great at staking it down, but in high wind it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.


Rain and Snow

Warm and waterproof are what I’m looking for when it comes to precipitation. Living in the mountains of Utah, I’m familiar with what it takes to feel warm in winter.

Here are a few tips.

  • Base layers and high quality socks are a must.
  • I keep mittens and stocking hats for everyone in my car at all times. Your head loses more body heat than anywhere else and fingers freeze faster than any other body part.
  • It’s better to be warm than stylish. So what that I break out my heavy ski jacket when the weather dips below fifty? I can always take it off if I don’t need it.
  • It’s worth it to have high quality waterproof boots in the rain and snow, especially for kids who like to jump in puddles. We’ve tried Bogs and Butler Boots and have heard great things about Oakiwearrain gear as well.

Getting outdoors is worth it, no matter the season. When I don’t feel like walking out to door I just have to remind myself: There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.


Article Source

Susan Strayer, author of is all about getting families into nature. She lives with her husband and three young kids in the mountains near Sundance, Utah and spends her time hiking, biking, skiing and camping as much as possible.

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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.