Getting Away For A Well Earned Break – Stay safe

Some people like to travel with friends, some like to travel with family, some like to travel with a significant other, and others prefer to travel all by themselves.

Personally, I’m a combination of all of these, but whichever way you choose to travel, it is important to apply common sense and adhere to certain safe guidelines. Here are some great tips that you can use to ensure that you have a safe trip and a great time.

I know that here on Outdoor Revival we’re a bit like a broken record when it comes to research and planning but it’s something that’s very important to do if you want a great holiday.

When choosing where you’re going it is definitely a good idea to research a bit deeper than just surface level information. Look deeper into the neighborhood that you are planning to visit or stay in, you are going to want to make sure that it is safe.

There are some great apps that you can download to your phone that will help you travel safer and smarter. Another thing that people may not think to do when traveling to a new place is look up how much crime there is in the area.

It is also important to know what clothing and accessories are appropriate. In some cities, it is not recommended for tourists to wear jewelry because it could make them a target.

These days being connected it important, people expect it and so do companies that you deal with, if there’s a group of you, it’s handy to be able to contact each other if you go and do different things of if there’s a problem.

Sometimes you may lose your luggage, or the airport may be confusing: not having a phone could prove to be quite difficult. Social media is also a great thing to keep people up to date with what you are doing on your travels. You can post pictures, or you can even message people to meet up or send messages about an emergency if needed.

If you are going on a bigger trip, odds are that you have made an itinerary so that you can be sure to do everything you will want. Some people make detailed itineraries while others have more causal and laid back on their plans. Whatever type of itinerary works best for you, it is good to share it with other people so that they have a general idea of what you are doing and where you will be.

At the hotel where you are staying, let the people that work there know your itinerary so that someone local has an idea of where you will be in case anything arises unexpectedly.

Another important thing is to be independent. This may seem like counter-intuitive advice, but you need to be able to rely on yourself to get around. You cannot always rely on strangers or casual friends in foreign cities to whisk you around.

On a related note, alcohol consumption should be limited: if you get too drunk, often you won’t be aware of your location or how to act properly; this could place you in a dangerous situation. While it may be tempting to let off some steam by drinking alcohol, it should be done in moderation.

The same for people who are traveling for leisure: sometimes people can go into full-on vacation mode and just want to get drunk, it’s not a good idea and can be dangerous, particularly in a new city where you do not know your surroundings or the people.

Also, try not to have all of your personal items on you at once. If you get mugged, you will have nothing left and be left in a very awkward situation. This is especially important for identification documents, because you want to be sure that you have at least one, such as a passport or a driver’s license, so that you can use it if need be.

You should also be aware of all emergency numbers that you would need to use in case of an emergency. This is something that is good to have in advance so that you do not need to scramble while in a state of panic to find the right numbers to get you out of a situation.

If you are going to be traveling alone, it could be a good idea to take a self-defense class so that you are equipped ahead of time in case someone tries to mug or attack you, having some understanding and knowledge will help you make the right decisions while under pressure. It may seem extreme to take a self-defense class in preparation for going on what should be a relaxing vacation, but being overly prepared is something that can come in handy in an unfortunate situation.

Traveling is an amazing experience, as it can be extremely relaxing as well as loads of fun, it is wise to take certain precautions before going away to new places. Most of these decisions and ideas can be used or not based on what you learn from your research into your destination; some places are very safe while others are not so safe, so use your common sense and plan well.

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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.

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