He Was Drunk But Travelled From the UK – Oz Without stepping Onto a Plane
We all know of a few drunk challenges that were a bit over the top, especially when the people involved sober up the next day. Heck If I ever got drunk I’m sure I would say yes to some ridiculous things! Thank goodness the strongest thing we have at Outdoor Revival HQ is herbal tea or I could be in a lot of trouble.
This story starts out with a drunken bet and turned into the adventure of a lifetime.

Ty Dalitz from Australia accidently committed himself to traveling from Melbourne to London using any mode of transportation other than a plane. A normal trip from Melbourne to London would have lasted 24 hours and cost between $1,000 – $1200.

Mr. Dalitz spent a comparatively whopping $24,650, and it took him two and a half years to do the journey. So what did he get up to and where did he go to spend so much and take so long?
His journey started in the summer of 2014, and it first took him by sea to Indonesia, to Malaysia, and from there to Thailand. He rode a motorbike across Vietnam and hopped on board the Trans-Mongolian railway to travel through China, Mongolia, and Russia.

He was starting to get closer to his goal. It’s now 2015, and he is in Europe. A short hop, skip, and jump, you would think, to London now, but no – Mr. Dalitz is enjoying traveling so much now he spends a year and a half wandering in a nomadic lifestyle around Europe.
Eventually, he did jump on a ferry and make it to London.

He had saved $30,000 before the trip and tried to budget his spending to no more than $1,000 a month. He did no real planning and had only a rudimentary idea of what countries he wanted to cross. He certainly had plenty of adventures along the way.
In Italy, he had a close shave with a train when he was walking through what he thought was a disused train tunnel. His sail to Bali was a “bit touch and go” when the generator ran out of gas, which meant no fresh water. He did eventually find a small village with spare petrol to help him out.
He had an exciting night ride with a drunken Bulgarian when he was picked up while hitchhiking. It seems swerving all over the road is not much fun.
In Belarus, he nearly lost the bet when he thought he would be getting deported and would have to fly home. Luckily his host was able to translate for him, and he managed to get away with just a fine.
Interestingly enough, Mr. Dalitz seemed to become younger as he traveled around on his journey. He has taken many photographs, mainly selfies, and plenty of these are online.
His modes of travel were mainly bus with a big spurt of hitchhiking near the end as money became tighter. No doubt his life is richer for the experience and so will be the lives of those he met on the way.

He’s now planning a yacht voyage across the Atlantic ocean and here at Outdoor Revival we wish him all the best on his future adventures. If you want to keep up with Ty here’s his website about travel Lost Aussies
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We live in a beautiful world, get out there and enjoy it.
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