Malagasy Fire Cooking Stands – Easy to make and use
There’s little we in the Outdoor Revival office love more than cooking on campfires, there’s just something about it that epitomizes camping, and whenever we get the chance to cook this way we take it.
None of us have used this technique before but I think next time we’re out we’re going to give it a try and we’ll let you know how it goes.
Thanks to Guy for writing this up:
On a recent work trip to Madagascar I had the opportunity to meet several work crews in the jungle, and witness how the local people had developed a myriad of ways to put a pot over a fire to cook (rice or soup).

I would have assumed that a single best setup would have evolved to dominate and render all other designs obsolete; as you will see this was not the case. I am not going to go into detailed descriptions of how to construct these cooking stoves; I have never attempted these myself and the images are really quite self-explanatory.
***Make sure that you are not building a fire under dry forest conditions and always have several liters of water ready to put out your fire if it gets out of control***
The example above can be called the Delta design.
- Find a Y-shaped section of a branch
- Sharpen the base
- Push, or pound it into the ground on a slight slope
- Affix two other branches to form a V into the crook of your Y-shaped branch
- You can adjust the height of the pot by sliding it towards or away from the Y and adjusting the position of the supports to hold your pot up.



You can see the original article from Renard Bleu here
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