Newest RESCUE!® Trap stops spiders in their tracks

Ok, so I know this isn’t exactly an outdoor article or encouraging you to get into the outdoors as we like to do, but, I figured that sometimes the outdoors comes into your personal space when you’re not really wanting it to.

I’ve been there when there’s the call to remove that little (sometimes not so little) 8 legged friend and witnessed how stressful it can be for some people, so I figured that this would be a good one as a heads up on what’s available to help you keep some of the outdoors where it should be.

Another option is that you take some of these camping if you or your little ones have an aversion to spiders and crawly things getting into your sleeping bags…

Here’s the press release:

The end of Halloween doesn’t mean spiders are gone from your home – and no one wants them sticking around as house guests for the holidays.

Spiders often make their way into living areas from unnoticed parts of the house like garages, basements and attics. Most of the spiders found in homes have adapted to life indoors and find food in the form of bugs such as earwigs, roaches and clothes moths.

For those who want to avoid the advancing arachnids, a common option is a pesticide application. But chemicals are not always effective unless they score a direct hit.

“Long legs allow spiders to keep their bodies above the ground, so pesticide residue on a surface will usually touch only their feet,” explains Dr. Qing-He Zhang, noted entomologist and Director of Research at Sterling International, Inc. in Spokane, Washington. “And since spiders don’t use mouth parts to clean themselves and the chemical can’t travel from the feet to their vital organs, a pesticide will fail to kill most of the spiders indoors. ”

That reality leaves glue traps as an economical, effective and eco-friendly way to control spiders in the home.

After nearly 35 years spent pioneering and leading the category of insect traps, Sterling International, manufacturers of the RESCUE!® family of pest control products, set its sights on spiders. In doing so, the company improved upon a product that has been around since household television sets were black and white only.

Most sticky traps on the market are simple paperboard tents covered in glue. The RESCUE!® Spider Trap is ground-breaking in several ways.

Instead of paper, the trap is crafted from a copper metallic plastic which makes it attractive, yet inconspicuous. The sturdy design can’t be crushed or bent. Its thin shape allows placement in narrow spaces and prevents little fingers and paws from getting stuck if found by children and pets.

The trap is ready to use, straight out of the package. There is nothing to peel, fold or assemble.


The major innovation, however, is the use of glue dot technology devised by Dr. Zhang and his team.

“Traps that use a solid application of glue result in spiders collecting on the outside edges and lots of wasted space in the middle of the trap,” explains Dr. Zhang. “By arranging the glue in a dot pattern, more spiders can be caught because they can move to all interior parts of the trap.” The glue dots are on both sides so when it’s full on one, the trap can be flipped over to catch more spiders.

The most common creepy culprits – black widows, brown recluse spiders, sac spiders, hobo spiders, jumping spiders, wolf spiders – are all caught by the RESCUE!® Spider Trap.

As with every other RESCUE!® product, the Spider Trap is made in the USA.

The RESCUE!® Spider Trap, sold in a 3-pack for $5.99, can be found in participating ACE Hardware, True Value Hardware and Do-it Best Hardware stores nationwide, as well as online on