6 Places around the world called Paris – anything but French

Paris, in France, is the most romantic and poetic city in the world! A place where you can drink the best wine while enjoying a chanson in a small local cafe. The home of the Eiffel Tower which millions of tourists visit each year and climb to the top for a top view photo. A world metropolis of high fashion, fantastic cuisine, and good music. What’s interesting here is that this fancy city is not the sole owner of its name. There are many other places around the world called Paris, although without glowing with the same fame as their namesake in France. Check the list of the other places called Paris that you can visit.

Paris, Denmark

Paris, Denmark – Author: Olaf Just – CC BY-SA 3.0

The Paris in Denmark has only 12 residents, and it’s a part of the Lemvig Municipality. There is nothing much to see around here, so you can go to the next town of Lemwig where you can visit the lighthouse or take a seal safari tour with a tractor bus. One interesting fact about this tiny Paris is that one of its first neighbor villages is called Rome and it’s even smaller.

Paris, Kiribati

The Republic of Kiribati is in the Central Pacific Ocean and on one of its islands, a place called Kiritimati, there is an abandoned settlement known as Paris. This example is also way more different than Paris, France. The island got its name from the homesick french priest Emmanuel Rougier who was living here from 1917 to 1939. He planted thousands of coconut palm trees on the island. The other islands that belong to Kiribati are named London and Poland.

Paris, Panama

Herrera Province – Author: Beneton26 – CC BY-SA 3.0

Another small village, but this time located in Parita District of the Herrera Province in Panama. Close to Paris, there is a town called Ocu where you can visit the Festival del Manito and witness their folkloric traditions. If you ever come here make sure you try a glass of “seco”, a sweet, rum-like traditional liquor. Don’t drink more than two glasses, though, if you want to skip a terrible hangover the next day.

Paris, Texas

This is the only Paris (apart from the French one) that has an Eiffel Tower. Actually, Paris in Texas had two towers, but the wooden one was destroyed by a tornado. Local people call their hometown the second largest Paris in the world. The 70-foot Eiffel Tower with a cowboy hat on the top is a feature you can’t miss if you visit Paris, Texas. The Scottish band Texas took the name from the name of the Jim Jarmusch’s movie Paris, Texas. Another Scottish band, Travis, took the name from the movie’s lead character.

Paris, Idaho

Paris, Idaho – Stone Tabernacle – Author: Travis K. Witt – CC BY-SA 4.0

Visit the second oldest town in Idaho, Paris. It was founded by the Mormon community that counts around 500 people. They constructed a church where 2000 people can sit, and that’s the most important building in the town.

Paris, Ontario 

The Canadian Paris is a town that sits on the Grand River in Ontario. When you come here, you can see the cobblestoned houses and its magnificent architecture. Paris was established in 1850 when this type of construction was very modern. It’s also known as the cobblestone capital of Canada.

There are a few more towns and communities with the same name, and most of them are in the US. Most of them are very small and offer nothing to see, but if you have no other idea about where to go on your next trip, think about doing a Paris tour around the world. If nothing else, you’ll see new places and countries and meet a lot more than just a French culture. Choose your favorite Paris and pack your bags. Good luck!

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