Simple Disaster Preparation Steps You Can Take Today
The main reason the vast majority of people do not make any preparations for disaster is because most people don’t see the incentive to; and on top of that, they just don’t want to invest time and money into becoming a so-called “doomsday prepper.”
But from the riots we’ve been seeing in Paris to the natural disasters striking the eastern United States this year and more, one thing is very clear: disaster can and will happen to you, and you need to be prepared.

Furthermore, you don’t have to become a doomsday prepper of any kind in order to prepare for disaster. In fact, you can put together adequate preparations today.
Yes, you read that right. You can set aside just one day (or part of a day) to prepare for disaster and then you can forget about preparing any further until a disaster happens.
What are some exact examples of things that you can do today and today alone in order to prepare? You can do each of the following:
Buy A Bunch of Water Bottles

Buying water bottles is perhaps the easiest and cheapest way of stockpiling water for disaster. You can buy them in packs for just a few dollars, stack them up in your pantry, and then forget about them until around a year later when you would be wise to replace them.
Each individual water bottle should have enough water to last one person one day, so stockpile accordingly with that information in mind.
Buy An Emergency Supply of Food

Most people have enough food in their pantry and refrigerator to last them for about a week, give or take a handful of days. But it would be much wiser to stockpile enough food to last you for around three months. To do this, for a few hundred dollars you can buy a “three-month emergency supply of food” online and then have it shipped to you.
Buy A First Aid Kit

Do you have a first aid kit in your home? If not, you can quickly change that by going out and buying a fully stocked first aid kit to have in your home at all times.
Choose A Bug Out Location

A bug out location is simply a location that you can flee to if you have to evacuate your home or if you are ordered to leave by the authorities. It’s always a wise idea to have a designated bug out location and at least two or three methods of getting there planned out so you will know exactly where you are going to go when disaster strikes (and ideally, you’ll leave for that location before disaster strikes so you won’t become caught up in traffic).
Assemble A Bug Out Bag

Last but not least, assemble a bug out bag. A bug out bag is simply a backpack of survival items that should enable you to survive for at least three days, or seventy-two hours, if you ever have to evacuate your home. Alternatively, it can help you to survive in your home if you don’t have to bug out.
Any normal-sized backpack will work for a bug out bag, and you should place the following items in it:
- Water Bottle
- 2-3 Energy Bars
- Flashlight
- Knife
- Paracord
- Personal First Aid Kit
- Prescription Medication
- Emergency Cash (Around $100)
- Emergency Space Blanket
- Fire-Starting Materials
- Plastic Bag
- Extra Change of Clothes
- Gloves
- Multi-Tool
A bug out bag with each of the above items in it will go a long way towards helping you survive when disaster strikes.
You can buy and acquire each of the above items and take each of the above steps to make yourself significantly more prepared for disaster in as little as one day or even less than that, and you won’t even have to take any more disaster steps after that if you don’t want to.
With that in mind, ask yourself this question: why not take each of the above steps?