Top Mistakes to Avoid to Disappear From the Authorities
You want to hear the truth? Disappearing is really harder than you think. The authorities simply have so many resources at their disposal, including cameras everywhere and your personal information on so many government databases. If you then decide that, by some reason best known to you, you want to disappear from the authorities, you should be aware of some basic things that you’ve definitely not considered in this “little” trip of yours.
Know that disappearing is really difficult and can only be done when you’re careful. It will also cause you to change your life forever. The feeling of disappearing is a fantasy that can sometimes appear tantalizing to the imagination; you’re burdened about everything and you think “what if I just pack my bags and disappear from all this?” People go missing for various reasons. Some do it for non-criminal reasons and I assume that you’re thinking about doing for it such a reason.
The good news is that you have a higher chance of disappearing successfully if you know all these mistakes and how you can avoid them. I’m going to lend you my knowledge on disappearing, cool huh?
Disappearing takes time. There are so many steps and I hope you’ve sat down to think about this.
The first step is cutting ties from family, colleagues, friends, and others. Know that this means less family time for you and that this will make you keep the truth from them a lot. If you’re a family person, I advise that you just tell them what exactly it is you’re going through to avoid lying. Making excuses and exempting yourself from family gatherings sounds like a small thing to do until you start lying about it. This requires you to fib and mislead people constantly. It may be like this for the rest of your life, and then this lie becomes your “truth.”
Another step is misinformation. You’re going to have to leave some trail of information for your pursuer. You’re doing this with two things in mind: keeping them busy with useless information and searching in the wrong places, and making sure you make this very frustrating and hard to detangle. When people disappear, they forget to keep their pursuers busy, and this is very important. If you leave just one trail of options for your pursuer, you just made it easy for them to find you eventually. So, it’s really important that you implement some disinformation.
Using your bank in this situation is a no. Your days of Visa, PayPal, and Venmo are done! Now you use cash, and you need to get the rest of your money out of the bank and become “unbanked.” You have to do this slowly to avoid suspicion. Start withdrawing your money from all the accounts under your name with no regular amount in mind. You have to completely drain your accounts. You have to make sure you save up a lot of money in advance, and store it in a safe or something, because having no money makes disappearing very hard.
You have to kill your social media accounts: no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder – everything! Ok, so deleting all these won’t truly erase your information. There’s a database of all your past activities that can be obtained by the government. Nevertheless, it is still smart to detach yourself from the internet as best as you can, and it is wise to delete everything. Doing this slowly will help to erase any form of suspicion. You can tell your closest friends that you have deleted your accounts for mind cleansing or that you just need the break from social media drama – we all know this is a thing – or you can simply tell them you don’t have the time anymore or you’re meditating because you joined a new yoga class.
Everything you’re emotionally attached to should go – including pets. If you have any pets, you need to take them to a shelter or put them up for adoption. Pets will become a burden and can be traced easily. They raise unnecessary attention and will make you recognizable. No matter how much you love animals, they have to go because their safety comes first. It is more humane to put them up for adoption than to just give them up entirely. Plan your response in case you are asked why you are putting them up for adoption.
You have to quit your job! Yes, you have to. You have to quit ahead of time so your employer and colleagues won’t notice your absence. Or tell them you want to take a long vacation; don’t just drop everything and disappear. Try to also pay a couple of months’ rent in advance to buy time for when you leave. Then, compile all your identification documents and burn them… Just make sure you don’t leave anything behind. Also, destroy your pictures. Too extreme? Well, you wanted to disappear…