20 Vintage Life Hacks from 100 Years Ago AND THEY WORK

During the 1900s, cigarette manufacturers used to put stiffening cards into their packs of cigarettes to give them strength and help make them last longer.

In the 1910s, Gallaher Ltd of Belfast & London and Ogden’s Branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co printed “How-To” series, with clever hints for both everyday and emergency situations.

From steaming out a splinter to stopping a mad dog, these cigarette cards told you the smart way to handle many of life’s problems.

Someone during this time had an ingenious idea to put trivia, artwork and even famous people (Elvis Presley anyone?) and athletes onto the stiffening cards.

1. How to Extract a Splinter

George Arents Collection 

Gallagher’s Cigarettes made a special series of 100 cards that included “How to do it”, useful tips and tricks for everyday problems in the early 20th Century.

2. How to Light a Match in the Wind

George Arents Collection

3. How to Tell the Points of the Compass with a Watch

George Arents Collection 

The whole 100 card collection was recently digitized and made part of the New York Public Library’s George Arents Collection.

You can visit the NYPL Digital Collections at digitalcollections to see all 100.

4. How To Treat Sprains

George Arents Collection

5. How To Make a Fire Extinguisher

George Arents Collection

6. How To Carry a Heavy Jug

George Arents Collection

7. A Hint When Boiling Potatoes

George Arents Collection 

8. How To Kill a Tree Stump

George Arents Collection

9. How To Make Corks Fit

George Arents Collection 

10. How To Pull Out Long Nails

George Arents Collection 

11. How To Measure With Coins

George Arents Collection 

12. How To Detect Escaping Gas

George Arents Collection 

13. How To Cool Wine without Ice

George Arents Collection

14. When Boiling Cracked Eggs

George Arents Collection 

15. How To Preserve Valuable Vases

George Arents Collection

16. How To Remove Sea Stains from Brown Shoes

George Arents Collection

17. How To Make a Simple Gate Latch

George Arents Collection 

18. How To Clean an Oil Painting

How To Clean an Oil Painting

19. How To Test Butter

George Arents Collection

20. How To Draw a Circle Without a Compass

George Arents Collection 

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