9 Take With you Items that Will Help You Survive
Nothing beats a weekend in the woods, or a week or two! Getting away from the run of the mill routine for a couple days or more can be a wonderful thing to do every once in a while, in fact, I’m starting to think it’s more of a necessity than just a nice thing to do .
Of course, you’ve got to think about what you’re doing before taking off into the wilderness, even for a short amount of time. So, before your next jaunt into the unknown, think about including these eight items in your kit to make things a little easier and if needed give your survival chances a boost.

Obviously, you wouldn’t be trekking through the wilderness with your GPS device or smartphone because that’d be cheating. However, you’re definitely going to need a compass with you and you need to know how to use it, preferably in conjunction with a map; this will help you avoid getting disoriented and ending up lost.
If you do have a compass and know hot to use it, sooner or later you’ll be able to make your way out of the woods and back to civilization.
Water Canteen
The best way to carry water in the woods is in a heavy-duty canteen and bringing plenty of water with you is obviously necessary. The latest cutting-edge canteens are much more durable than the average water bottle. Some of these models can even be positioned over a fire to boil water, which may be necessary while camping in the outdoors.
Ultimately you will need water and a way to carry it; it’s worth the weight sacrifice as water is the elixir of life, especially if you’re in trouble in the wilderness.

Any knife is generally better than no knife but if you can make sure it’s strong, sharp and you know how to use it safely.
Water Filtration System
You need water to survive and even if you bring plenty along with you; if something goes wrong, there’s always a chance of running out. To protect yourself and ensure your safety, bring along some type of water filtration system so that you can filter and purify the water that is available in the wilderness.
It’s also good to know where you’re likely to find water in the location you’re traveling in, so it’s well worth a little bit of research before you leave so you’re prepared and know where to get the water you need for surviving.

Your best bet, while in the wilderness, is to take matches with you, in particular, waterproof matches, or keep them in a waterproof bag. Having matches with you in the event of an emergency is a wise choice, even if you prefer to start a fire the old-fashioned way.
Insect Repellent
Bugs aren’t going to literally eat you alive, well, we hope not anyway, but odds are there will be plenty to inconvenience you, so don’t take that chance, bring insect repellent with you. Bringing some kind of insect repellent into the wild can make your trip far more enjoyable and save you a lot of unpleasantness and possible disease.
In a survival situation, you want to be as comfortable as possible and some people react badly to bites and stings, so they’re best avoided.
First Aid Kit (FAC)
it’s always good to have at least a small FAC with you so that you can deal with those small injuries that crop u, grazes, sprains, cuts etc. even a decent pair of tweezers can be a blessing when you’ve got a thorn stuck in your hand. Get some First Aid training so that you have some idea of what to do in an emergency, there’s little point having a great First Aid Kit if you don’t know what to do with it.
Duct Tape (Duck Tape!)
Duct tape can save the day for you in a number of amazing ways. If your sleeping bag, clothing, or tent becomes damaged, duct tape can be used to repair it quickly. It can also be used to secure bandages, help repair cracks in your canteen, and help in medical situations, which can help avert serious problems while out in the wild. Duct tape has even been used on the Moon so don’t underestimate its usefulness. Click here – Read more about duct tape in a previous article.

So, you didn’t think that the spirit of going out into the wilderness and living off the land for a few days included money. Okay, so this may go against that spirit, but you have left all of your other personal items at home, right?

So, take $20 or $50 and put it in your pocket just for emergency purposes. You don’t have to tell anybody, but if you find yourself in trouble at some point, it never hurts to have a little bit of insurance.
The whole of your experiences and your planning for a trip should use common sense, do take what you need, don’t take what you don’t need. To know the difference you need to plan and also gain some experience so you know what works for you, or not.
It’s always worth being cautious and playing it safe, just like taking the money with you, you’re covering yourself for something unexpected.
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