Tag: adventure

Essential tips for cooking like a pro in the wilderness

Stef Zisovska

It seems like there is a longstanding misconception amoung some, that camping food just consists of hotdogs and hamburgers, cold food, and can-flavored food. Well,…

Motivation for spring workouts

Ian Carroll

Now that the weather is clearing up, it’s time to look ahead to the coming summer. That means something different to everyone. For some it’s…

Outdoor sports you can take just about anywhere

All of us here at Outdoor Revival have one or two sports that we really live for. They are what get us outside, what gets…

Best budget beach activities

Ian Carroll

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the beach lately. From the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Mexico to the beaches of San Diego…

Tips for city sightseeing

Ian Carroll

When you find yourself in an unfamiliar city, it can be pretty hard to get your bearings. Cities often hold some of the most interesting…

How much is a National Park worth to you?

Ian Carroll

Last fall, the National Parks Service proposed a plan to increase entrance fees to 17 of the most popular National parks by more than double.…

Potrero Chico: A climber’s paradise just across the border

Ian Carroll

I had to stop the car and pull over. There wasn’t anything in the road, it was the towering limestone cliffs above the road that…

Best travel apps for wandering across the world 2018

Ian Carroll

Back in the day, travel essentials used to be things like a map, guidebook, extra rolls of film and a sense of adventure. These days,…

Travel Tuesdays: Is your relationship travel compatible?

Ian Carroll

Traveling with a sibling or friend can be pretty hard. You’re likely to have to compromise more than a few times. Where to go, what…

Spring time tips for rock climbers

Ian Carroll

It’s here! Spring has sprung. For rock climbers all over the US, that means we’re crawling out of our caves, dusting off our cams and…