Tag: calories

Ketogenic diet: good or bad?

Diet trends always seem to be coming and going, with new secrets to weight loss intriguing the desperate searching for quick solutions. One of the…

Healthy reasons to try winter hiking this season

There’s no reason to think that your hiking habit should take an off-season break when the temperatures drop and the mountains have snow caps. Winter…

Ultimate survival skill – bugs and how to eat them

Stef Zisovska

Eating bugs for survival is not the most popular thing in Western culture, but it draws a lot of attention. People are more focused on…

Stay warm in a tent

Tents can be very cold and humid, especially at night. Many of us will have experienced waking up at 3 a.m. frozen to the bone…

Survival uses for vegetable oil

Who would’ve thought that vegetable oil is one of the greatest survival items that you can have available? Probably the most used household article, vegetable…