Tag: carabiners

The various types of climbing on rock and ice

Doug Williams

There are various types of climbing, and each requires a number of different tools and skills. Activities from just hiking up a steep slope of…

Do not make any of these common mistakes when climbing

Doug Williams

While rock climbing can be exhilarating, it is a very risky activity too. Climbers who set off to tackle some cliff climbing challenges need to…

A cautionary word about free soloing

First and foremost, I wouldn’t say that I am by any means a professional climber let alone an expert on free soloing. What I can…

What climbing is: a rough guide

Climbing could be described as “moving across terrain that is vertical”, such as steep mountains, ridges, rock faces, and ice faces. This is usually done…

carabiners climbers guide

Carabiners: A climber’s guide to biner basics

The carabiner is one of the greatest technological marvels of our time. They are also one of the simplest. Essentially, carabiners are just loops of…

A Word About Free Soloing

First and foremost, I wouldn’t say that I am by any means a professional climber let alone an expert on free soloing. What I can…

Climbing gear for beginners part 2

In part two of ‘Climbing gear for beginners’, we will look at all the less essential gear you will want to start collecting. If you…

Climbing gear racked up on a harness

Climbing gear for beginners part 1

Rock climbing can feel a little inaccessible. There is so much that you need to learn and climbing gear that you need to buy before…