Tag: cardio

10 Good reasons to go running today

Ian Carroll

For most people, running sounds like a lot of hard work. You’re probably no different. Lacing up your shoes right now probably doesn’t sound as…

Overcoming Plantar Fasciitis: Don’t give up

As an avid hiker or runner, you are on your feet a lot. This means mile upon mile of heavy-impact on your feet, up and…

Cross training workout for the trails – ramp up your fitness

If you intend to head out on a long trip such as The Appalachian Trail or The Pacific Crest Trail, training will be necessary. Cross…

Top 5 half marathons in California

If you love running but can’t dedicate enough time to training for a full marathon, a half marathon is still a great way to challenge…

Cycling Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Game

  Riding a bicycle is one the best forms of fun, transportation and exercise (in my opinion). Whether you are a professional cyclist, a daily…