Tag: container

Top tips for stockpiling gasoline

One of the most essential things you can stockpile for survival and disaster preparedness is gasoline. Fuel, in general, is going to become a very…

Easy Steel Wool Emergency Fire Starter

Paul Pinkerton

With only a battery and some fine steel wool, you can make a fire anytime. It’s an old trick but works really well for starting…

Life Saving Fire – Firestarter & Tinder Case V2 With Video

Sometimes you just need some fire, and you need it quickly, if you’ve taken an unexpected plunge in the river or it’s winter, and someone…

Containers Made From Beech Bark, Make Your Own

Jon Ridgeon brings us this simple but beautiful Beech bark container made from materials that are easy to aquire and use with minimal tools. I…

que Bottle – Kickstarter project: The Fashionable & Collapsible Travel Bottle

We’re constantly told we need to keep hydrated and that’s created an industry just around carrying water and liquid refreshments, a new project from Kickstarter…