Tag: guides

The best biking trails and tours of Charleston

Stef Zisovska

Charleston is a charming city in South Carolina known as the largest and the oldest in the state. Besides the rich history and stories that this…

Slinging a slingshot

A sling has a small cradle or pouch in the middle of two lengths of cord. The sling stone is placed in the pouch. The…

Build your own simple barrel stove

In this guide I will show you how to make a very simple and inexpensive wood burning stove from a 55 gallon steel drum. This can…

Bannock bread – the best campfire bread ever created

Who can honestly say they don’t like bread cooked while they’re out camping? And if you’ve not tried camp bread then you’ve got to add…

Foot and Ankle Surgeons Offer Safety Tips for Hikers

Paul Pinkerton

In the United States, more than 38 million people go hiking annually, and with touted health benefits and scenic views, it is no wonder why…

Quit Bugging Me. Tips On Coping With Bug Bites This Summer

Warmer weather has folks venturing outdoors, and while the risk of running into a snake, bear or other menacing animal exists, the critters far more…

Winter precipitation can bring an increased risk for slips and falls on the ice and snow

Winter precipitation can bring an increased risk for slips and falls on the ice and snow. Julia Henderson-Kalb, M.S., OTR/L an instructor in the Department…

Winter precipitation can bring an increased risk for slips and falls on the ice and snow

Winter precipitation can bring an increased risk for slips and falls on the ice and snow. Julia Henderson-Kalb, M.S., OTR/L an instructor in the Department…

Extract Clean, Drinkable Water From Plants

Paul Pinkerton

Water is the most important thing if you are stuck in the wilderness. Sure, food is important too, but you can live for a while…

Water Filter : Tuna Can Cartridge System

Paul Pinkerton

We have seen home made water filters made from recycled water and pop bottles and I have made my share of those and demonstrated to…