Tag: Hygiene

Stay clean while bugging out in the wilderness – don’t forget to rotate those socks

Wilderness hygiene is not only important to protect your fellow campers from your odor, but it’s also good for your health. Staying clean while on…

A tent mate guide for a perfect trip

Whether you and your partner are going backpacking or you and you are with your best friend, sharing a tent will tend to happen. Sharing…

Travel the world with one backpack

One of the biggest issues every traveler has is an overpacking and lack of organization skills. Before going on a trip, we try to fit…

Women’s guide to backpacking hygiene

For us ladies hikers, hygiene on the trail is very different than that of our male counterparts. If you are like me and lack female…

Hygienic Hiking – Tips to Smelling Fresh and Staying Clean On Long Hikes

Let’s face it – we all long to be one with nature, hiking amongst snow topped mountains or lush green hills that call out to…

Book Review: Balanced and Barefoot by Angela J. Hanscom

Paul Pinkerton

Here’s a great book review by Susan Strayer who runs the great Blog – Mountain Mom and Tots. Here’s what Susan has to say about…