Tag: oil

Car repairs you should consider before your next road trip

Whether you plan to road trip across the continent or across a mountain pass, you’ll need your car in top working order. Breaking down any…

Survival uses for vegetable oil

Who would’ve thought that vegetable oil is one of the greatest survival items that you can have available? Probably the most used household article, vegetable…

Visit Oman – A middle eastern gem

Paul Pinkerton

Terrorism and general unrest in the holiday destinations of Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia is making it hard to find a safe destination with an Arabic…

7 Ways to Avoid Poisonous Plants When Hiking and Camping

Though being outdoors is generally a pleasant and refreshing experience, you may find yourself in the terrible situation where you or your hiking buddies get…

Heat Treating For The Hobbyist Knife Maker

Paul Pinkerton

There’s a growing number of people that are getting used to knives as tools again, just like our grandparents did, especially when off the beaten track…

Superior Cast Iron Skillets From Marquette Castings

I love cooking with Cast Iron, it’s great in the woods, at home and anywhere else I end up cooking. It’s not the lightest stuff…

Gwich’in to Congress: Designate – Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain as Wilderness

Paul Pinkerton

At Outdoor Revival we keep an eye on Patagonia as a company they produce some excellent products and seem to have a great company ethos, this last…

Stones and Hones – Sharpening a Knife Series

Have you ever thought that you need to sharpen your knife but just don’t know where to start? Well, in this series from James Mandeville we’ll…