Tag: outdoors

Outdoor sports you can take just about anywhere

All of us here at Outdoor Revival have one or two sports that we really live for. They are what get us outside, what gets…

10 Good reasons to go running today

Ian Carroll

For most people, running sounds like a lot of hard work. You’re probably no different. Lacing up your shoes right now probably doesn’t sound as…

How much is a National Park worth to you?

Ian Carroll

Last fall, the National Parks Service proposed a plan to increase entrance fees to 17 of the most popular National parks by more than double.…

Potrero Chico: A climber’s paradise just across the border

Ian Carroll

I had to stop the car and pull over. There wasn’t anything in the road, it was the towering limestone cliffs above the road that…

Spring time tips for rock climbers

Ian Carroll

It’s here! Spring has sprung. For rock climbers all over the US, that means we’re crawling out of our caves, dusting off our cams and…

The best US bike trails worth the miles

Stef Zisovska

In the last few years, road and mountain biking is becoming more and more popular in the US. Fortunately, there are so many amazing bike trails…

Three best ways to brew coffee camping

If you’re like me, it doesn’t matter where you’re starting your morning, it doesn’t start until your first cup of coffee. When you’re at home…

Africa’s Earth wonders that you must see

Stef Zisovska

Africa is considered to be planet Earth’s most wonderful continent that contains magical places and untouched nature. These wonders include endless multi-colored sand deserts, a…

Family camping packing list and tips

Family camping trips are a perfect way to spend time together in the great outdoors and enjoy a vacation on a budget. It’s always nice…

How to choose the perfect camping spot

Choosing the right campsite is not as easy as you think and if you aren’t prepared, you can end up camping in a wrong spot…