Tag: reading

Basics on how to read a map while in the wilderness

From the moment you step into the forest, you can forget about all the technological gadgets you have. Why? Because you can’t rely on them. Knowing…

Top 10 outdoor books you should read now

Marion Fernandez

Being an outdoor enthusiast, you will naturally want to be outside as much as possible. But between weather, time, and other commitments, you may not…

How to predict weather using nature signs

Stef Zisovska

When it comes to predicting the weather by using nature signs, old civilizations were masters in doing it. If you’re on a wilderness trip without…

5 Books to inspire everyday adventures

Love reading about awesome, record-breaking adventures but find it hard to relate them to real life? Want to have a go at adventuring but feel…

Poetry books to bring out on the trail

Reading while backpacking and camping is an ideal pastime for many hikers. Being alone in the wilderness is a great time to sit down for…