Tag: soap

Survival uses for vegetable oil

Who would’ve thought that vegetable oil is one of the greatest survival items that you can have available? Probably the most used household article, vegetable…

Getting a shower when camping

After a hot day hiking around, the one thing you will wish for is a shower.  It always pays to clean up before night falls…

Top bartering commodities for a disaster

In a grid down scenario where the power grid goes out and you no longer have access to grocery stores, sporting goods stores, and restaurants,…

Survival uses for dish soap

One of the most fun aspects of preparing for a survival situation is learning how to use everyday household items for a myriad of different…

Top 10 Bartering Commodities For A Disaster

In a grid down scenario where the power grid goes out and you no longer have access to grocery stores, sporting goods stores, and restaurants,…