Tag: stars

9 Reasons to go camping right now

Stef Zisovska

People always choose to go camping in the summer months because they think that’s the best time of the year to spend a night away…

The best stargazing spots in the US

Stef Zisovska

What’s better than stargazing?  Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as it was years ago when there were far less city lights around us. Today, it’s…

Top 10 outdoor books you should read now

Marion Fernandez

Being an outdoor enthusiast, you will naturally want to be outside as much as possible. But between weather, time, and other commitments, you may not…

Two techniques for telling time without a watch

For us to tell the time in our day-to-day lives, all we have to do is check our phones or our wristwatch. It’s important to…

 Know the stars: Learn to navigate at night

When you are away from city lights, you will be able to see far more stars in the sky than you could otherwise. It is…

Sleeping Under the Stars – Learning From the Night Sky

The best advantages to summer are that the days are long and the nights are warm. Sleeping under the stars is a treat, whether you…

Wilderness navigation techniques for beginners

You are finally hitting the trail and enjoying your first hiking experience. It seems like nothing can go wrong and you feel like you’re king…