Tag: trad

Trad climbing explained

Ian Carroll

Climbing is a bit of a mysterious sport. There’s a lot of terminology to take in and lore to learn when you’re first starting out.…

Outdoor sports you can take just about anywhere

All of us here at Outdoor Revival have one or two sports that we really live for. They are what get us outside, what gets…

Potrero Chico: A climber’s paradise just across the border

Ian Carroll

I had to stop the car and pull over. There wasn’t anything in the road, it was the towering limestone cliffs above the road that…

Spring time tips for rock climbers

Ian Carroll

It’s here! Spring has sprung. For rock climbers all over the US, that means we’re crawling out of our caves, dusting off our cams and…

Keep your best climbs: Three reasons to keep a climbing journal

Ian Carroll

Most of us mountain people crave adventure. Sometimes that’s just spending the day at the local crag. Sometimes it’s taking a week long adventure deep…

sport climbing vs trad climbing

Traditional climbing vs sport climbing, what’s the difference.

Trad climbing and sport climbing are two very different artforms. Trad focuses on slow, careful progression and puts safety first. Sport is all about hard moves, indomitable…

Climbing gear for beginners part 2

In part two of ‘Climbing gear for beginners’, we will look at all the less essential gear you will want to start collecting. If you…

Climbing gear racked up on a harness

Climbing gear for beginners part 1

Rock climbing can feel a little inaccessible. There is so much that you need to learn and climbing gear that you need to buy before…