Tag: traveling

Fruit picking vineyard

Fruit picking- The perfect nomadic job to see the world

“The cherries man! They’re huge!” “And yer up there in the trees just surrounded by ‘em on all sides. Ya stick yer hands in a…

Travel the world with one backpack

One of the biggest issues every traveler has is an overpacking and lack of organization skills. Before going on a trip, we try to fit…

car vanlife camping

Vanlife: three reasons to live without a lease

If you’ve spent much time off the beaten path in the last decade, you’ve probably heard of vanlife. Dirtbags living out of their cars on…

Top 5 qualities to look for in a bug out vehicle

In any disaster scenario, you and your family will always be presented with the choice to either bug in at your home or to bug…

Top 10 extreme adventures in Antarctica

It seems to have happened quickly but Antarctica is becoming the perfect travel destination for real adventure travelers. It’s the sort of destination that takes…

Travel blogging

Travel blogging – why you should write while on the road

Travel blogging may seem a little narcissistic. But if you don’t record your adventures, in a couple of years you’ll look back on where you’ve…

Hygienic Hiking – Tips to Smelling Fresh and Staying Clean On Long Hikes

Let’s face it – we all long to be one with nature, hiking amongst snow topped mountains or lush green hills that call out to…

6 Amazing health benefits of traveling

We all know that a good night sleep, meditation, and some fresh kale is good for us. Even if you don’t incorporate them into your…

Hiking is cathartic

3 Ways that multi day hiking will change how you see the world …

There are things you cannot learn in an hour, thoughts you cannot think in a day and meaning you cannot find at the first fork…

Free camping is everywhere

Free camping will change the way you travel

We travel to feel free Free camping is hard to come by. The grim reality of the modern world is that someone usually owns the…