Tag: water filter

Ultimate tips on how to become a better hiker

Stef Zisovska

Spending time in the great outdoors and conquering new trails each weekend gives great joy to many nature enthusiasts. For a lot of people, being…

Water for life

Doug Williams

Since our bodies are 80% water, it is clearly the most important element necessary for our survival. We can survive for nearly a month without…

Camping gear for less than $100

Camping is one of the cheapest types of vacation that you can take. That is, if you have the gear. If you are setting out…

Top 10 gifts for outdoor junkies

hether for a birthday or holiday, shopping for your loved ones is always an adventure. If you are looking for presents for an outdoor lover,…

Top survival uses for tin cans

One of the most essential food items that any prepper or survivalist must have is canned food (such as canned beans), which as the name…

How to use tampons for survival

When facing a survival situation, everything around you becomes a survival tool. When we say everything, we think everything. A tampon is an item that is…

Safety gear guide for day hikes

When heading out on a day hike, it may be tempting to leave all your overnight gear behind. However, it is dangerous to hike without…

Top 10 Survival Uses For Coffee Filters

A major survival skill to have is being able to take ordinary items around your house and re-applying those items into a number of different…

purify water in the woods

Water purification in the wilderness

Water may be the source of all life on Earth, but it can also be the source of considerable illness, pain and even death. Water…

Water Filter : Tuna Can Cartridge System

Paul Pinkerton

We have seen home made water filters made from recycled water and pop bottles and I have made my share of those and demonstrated to…