Tips on how to travel safe with your pet

It’s a vacation time and your fluffy little friend knows it. More than a half of US pet owners take their four-legged buddies with them when they travel. So, don’t you even think about leaving behind those big wide eyes staring at your suitcase.

Traveling with a pet is not as simple as hitting the road by yourself, but it’s not fair that your best friend stays at home while you enjoy new exciting places. Being a pet owner is a great responsibility and instead of planning a break from it, start planning a vacation with your furry friend.

Best friends

Road tripping with a cat or a dog is a challenging adventure for everyone. Make sure you take some test drives on a shorter trip before leaving on the big trip. See if your pet gets anxious or car sick. If it is, then maybe it’s not a good idea to travel together.

Or maybe sleeping pills will help you transport your pet safely and then wake it up. Don’t give your pet human sleeping pills!

A cat

A pet wondering freely in the car is a potential cause of an accident and will distract the driver’s attention. So, to be sure that everybody’s safe and in their place, get a pet seat belt, pet barrier or a pet car seat. This way you will prevent yourself and your pet from possible injuries.

Stop thinking that when your dog sticks its head out of the window is very cute and fun because it’s not. This can be very dangerous for your pet’s health and can cause ear damage and lungs infections. So, paws and head inside! In case of an emergency have your pet’s medical record handy.

A dog

Stopping every two or three hours when traveling with a pet is highly recommended. Don’t keep your companion inside a car for too long. Keep a gallon of cold water handy and allow them to hydrate frequently. Never leave your furry friend alone in the car, especially on a hot summer day. High temperatures are deadly.

One of the most important things you should remember while traveling with your pet is booking a pet-friendly hotel or campsite. When leaving your room be sure your friend is caged because when hotel staff enters the room, your dog (and especially your cat) will run out of the door.

Never ask another guest to watch your pet because you can’t blame anyone if it escapes.

Happy dog

Before embarking on a trip consult your pet’s vet for any health issues that you should be aware of. Bring a familiar blanket, a toy, your T-shirt or whatever thing that your pet recognizes. This way it will stay calm enjoying the smells that remind it of home.

Lavender oil is very helpful in calming animals when upset. It eases anxiety and helps your pet deal with the travel in a better way. If you travel by plane, give your pet a drop of Lavender oil every day, weeks before, it will remain relaxed during the flight.

Happy friends

Traveling with your furry pal can be a real adventure if you take good care of it and make it comfy for the both of you. Our canine buddies and feline fellows need to stay around us, otherwise, they will be sad, make a mess at home and feel abandoned.

So, start looking for an animal-friendy accommodation for your next trip and enjoy the holidays next to your pet.

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