Author: Nick Oetken

Nick Oetken is one of the authors writing for Outdoor Revival

Toxic Plants That Look Edible…and How to Avoid Them

When you choose to go outdoors for a survival act, hunger tends to be one of the common challenges. As survivalists, there is the possibility…

What to Do If You Fall Into a Raging River

Imagine this: you’re hiking through the woods and you realize you need to stop and get some water, there’s a river nearby, so you walk…

How To Prevent Trench foot

When you’re unexpectedly stuck out in the wilderness, the comfort of your feet is likely the last thing on your mind. Food, water, shelter, warmth…

What Made the Kentucky Rifle So Great?

Every once in a while, a weapon comes along that changes the course of history. The rock that Cain used to kill Abel was one…

Top Survival Uses for a Bandana

A bandana might seem like another useless item for your outdoor escapades. Some see it as just a fashion item, while others see it as…

How Big Were the Redwoods That Fell?

Nick Oetken

Imagine having a giant redwood tree behind your house, standing right on the spot you need for something else. How frustrating would that be? Believe…

Additional Home Defensive Preparations

Fortifying your doors, windows, and garage are all examples of defensive preparations you can make right now and use in your everyday life.  But when…

7 Things To Do To Defend Your Property During Disaster

Here are the top seven things you will need to do to defend your property during disaster: 1 – Keep Your Preps A Secret The…

Top Mistakes to Avoid to Disappear From the Authorities

You want to hear the truth? Disappearing is really harder than you think. The authorities simply have so many resources at their disposal, including cameras…

How To Disappear From The Authorities and Vanish Without A Trace Part I – Your Phone

When George Orwell wrote his dystopian novel “1984,” he envisioned a world when an overbearing government spied on its citizens, controlling every aspect of their…