Category: Instant Articles

From paleo to vegan to Big Mac diets: 5 health facts that came out of the Rio Olympics

Rio Olympics 2016 have now come to the official; leaving us with inspiring stories of athleticism and kindness all through these past few weeks. Though…

The Sad Fate of the People Who Died Climbing Mount Everest & Were Left Behind

The opportunity to climb Mount Everest is an adventure you will not forget. However, setting out to climb the mountain could end up being the…

Stung by a bee? It can be of benefit to you

Bee stings are a communal terror in spring and summer but Ruth Meredith, a secluded beekeeper in Smithfield, have faith in more or less stings…

Harsh survival stories from the 19th century

Humans have attained the survival skills over many centuries, and every tale of survival contains in itself a story of resilience and humans’ ability to…

Spit fishing and some other strange survival tricks in the wilderness

Survival is a mindset that one needs to hone even in the peacetime, so that when the time comes you can easily switch to the…

Escaped from a Japanese PoW: Robert McLaren had to remove his own appendix in the jungle

By 1942, Robert “Jock” McLaren had already escaped from a prison camp in Singapore, fought for weeks with local guerrillas, been betrayed to the Japanese…

5 of the most haunted roads in the world – still ready for that road trip?

  We hardly perceive roads as anything else then a platform used by our cars to take us from Point A to point B. However,…

10 plants that can kill you – keep an eye out for Skunk Cabbage

Doug Williams

The Earth is filled with wondrous trees that seem to touch the heavens. Around every bend, there are beautiful flowers that you can touch and…

Incredible: Emile Leray built a working motorbike from a broken down car to escape the African desert

Paul Pinkerton

‘I put myself in what one calls survival mode. I could not have gone back on foot – it was too far.’ A Frenchman has…

Robert McLaren Removed His Own Appendix In The Jungle Copy

Paul Pinkerton

By 1942, Robert “Jock” McLaren had already escaped from a prison camp in Singapore, fought for weeks with local guerrillas, been betrayed to the Japanese…