Category: Old Ways

How to fish without fishing equipment

Finding food has to be a top priority in any survival situation. Even though you can live for three weeks without it, your body will…

Amantani – The world’s capital of mystical tourism

Amantani is an island on Lake Titicaca, on the Peruvian side.  If you like the idea of visiting Peru then this would be a great…

Top long lasting foods for disaster preparedness

When stockpiling food for survival, you will immediately be limited to only a few select foods because the majority of foods are not suitable for…

Top tips for bartering in a disaster scenario

When the world goes bad and paper money becomes worthless, the new currency will become the random items that we take for granted every day,…

Gereya Ayam – The massive neglected church shaped like a chicken

There a lot of weird stuff  going on our planet, some of them with an aim to be weird (in an artistic way), while others,…

Top bartering commodities for a disaster

In a grid down scenario where the power grid goes out and you no longer have access to grocery stores, sporting goods stores, and restaurants,…

The hundred year old ‘ghost ship’ languishing in the Ohio River

It was another wonderful day for the kayakers as they were cruising through the forest. Yet they certainly did not expect to discover a ghost…

Sleeping Under the Stars – Learning From the Night Sky

The best advantages to summer are that the days are long and the nights are warm. Sleeping under the stars is a treat, whether you…

Trucker’s hitch knot – Awesome Video

I was thinking to myself that I should write an article about knots, after all, they’re an essential part of outdoor life and they cover…

Beautiful historic portraits of Cree Tribe

With more than 220,000 members living in Canada, The Cree are one of the largest groups of First Nations in North America. Most Cree live…