Category: Old Ways

Paul Pinkerton

The Pacific Northwest saw some of the most significant number of settlers looking for a new life all through the nineteenth century, however, the journey…

Fascinating portraits of First Nation People of Alberta from 1910

These magnificent portraits  that you are about to see, were taken by the  Canadian photographer Harry Pollard, whose specialty was photographing First Nations.   First Nations…

20 Vintage Life Hacks from 100 Years Ago AND THEY WORK

Paul Pinkerton

During the 1900s, cigarette manufacturers used to put stiffening cards into their packs of cigarettes to give them strength and help make them last longer.…

Beautiful examples of shamanic ritual masks made by the Yup’ik people of southwestern Alaska …

Paul Pinkerton

Yup’ik masks are expressive shamanic ritual masks made by the Yup’ik people of southwestern Alaska, and one of the most popular forms of native Alaskan art.…

The Champawat Tiger was responsible for 436 deaths in Nepal & India

Paul Pinkerton

During the late 19th century, a Nepalese region close to the Himalayas was terrorized by the most notorious and prolific man-eater of all times. Men,…

The hanging coffins of Sagada – a unique burial ritual in the Philippines

Paul Pinkerton

The people of Sagada follow a unique burial ritual in which the dead are buried in coffins which are tied or nailed to the side…

Beautiful examples of shamanic ritual masks made by the Yup’ik people of southwestern Alaska

Paul Pinkerton

Yup’ik masks are expressive shamanic ritual masks made by the Yup’ik people of southwestern Alaska, and one of the most popular forms of native Alaskan art.…

Beautiful portraits of the Navajo Native American by Edwards S. Curtis in 1904

Paul Pinkerton

Edward S. Curtis was a prolific American photographer known for his amazing work of  capturing the Native American peoples. He took over 40,000 photographic images from…

Heat Treating For The Hobbyist Knife Maker

Paul Pinkerton

There’s a growing number of people that are getting used to knives as tools again, just like our grandparents did, especially when off the beaten track…

Two maneless 9ft long man-eating lions killed over 135 workers on the Kenya-Uganda railway in 1898

Paul Pinkerton

In March, 1898, the British started building a railway bridge over the Tsavo River in Kenya. The project was led by Lt. Col. John Henry…