The man who’s moving the giant redwoods (video)

Over 100 years ago, near Eureka, California, loggers cut down a Sequoia sempervirens, also knows as a coast redwood. As a result of that, a giant 32½ feet wide stump was created, known as the Fieldbrook Stump. It’s estimated that the tree was over 2,000 years old, and it probably was 400 feet tall.

Fast forward to December 4th, 2012, led by David Milarch the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive group started replanting an old growth forest. The replanted forest consisted of 250 clones of a giant redwood and sequoia trees, including the Fieldbrook Stump as well. Located south of Port Orford, Oregon, the site is approximately four acres big.

You probably wonder why is this group trying to re-create the old forest, and how did they manage to achieve that? Due to the epiphany that David Milarch had, today we’re one step closer to saving the Earths fragile ecosystem.

After having a near-death experience, Milarch gave up his heavy-drinking ways and dedicated his life to saving the forests. Due to his background of running his family’s nursery in Michigan, he began collecting clippings from champion trees. He gathered clipping from different trees, ranging from black willows to white oaks. David even cloned the Hippocrates Tree, a plane tree where the father of medicine taught his students under its branches. In addition, he and his son found some young sprouts tied to the roots and sides of the Fieldbrook Stump.

David works with two sons, and the three of them are dedicated tree climbers, brilliant propagators, and great tree geneticists. David is relocating trees that were threatened of getting extinct.

He wants to forestall the possible die-offs of the trees, from the damages of drought, population growth, insect infestations, and global warming. So, as the humanity and the planet changes, forests and trees are essential to the survival of the Planet Earth.

Many plant geneticists and experts doubted that David would succeed in his mission, but he proved them wrong. Seems like they thought that sprouts from ancient redwoods and stumps couldn’t be successfully cloned and rooted. Almost 5% of the old redwoods are remaining, so it’s expected that transplanting giant sequoias and coast redwoods to new locations, like New Zeland, British Columbia, Germany, Irland, and Port Orford, will guarantee their survival.

With the weather conditions becoming hotter and drier, it seems logical that redwoods and sequoias will need to migrate north.

But, this can only be achieved by committed people like David, who are relocating these beautiful trees in cooler climates. You could call him a modern day Noah, but David Milarch is rally making a difference.

In the short film bellow “Moving the Giants,” which you can find on the National Geographic Youtube channel and other places,  you can see the story of David Milarch and his incredible devotion to help the California coast redwoods migrate north to survive climate changes.

In the film, he promotes the “treequestration,” a movement to use the nature’s most productive method to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and scale down the future climate change.

Find out more about Davids vision and how you can contribute here //

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